Important Reminders Before Applying:
To be eligible for consideration for tuition assistance, Total Family Income (TFI) should not exceed 350% of federal poverty guidelines.
Tuition Assistance Guidelines 2025
Household/ FamilySize | Income limits |
2 | $74,025.00 |
3 | $93,275.00 |
4 | $112,525.00 |
5 | $131,460.00 |
6 | $151,025.00 |
7 | $170,275.00 |
Applications due February 1st
Tips for completing your FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment Application
1. Create an account OR log on and complete the FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment application online.
2. All required tax documents must be submitted in order for your application to reach the "verified" status. Your application must be verified prior to a financial aid award being made. The following tax documents must be submitted:
3. FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment application should be completed by February 1, to receive your award letter by March 1.
4. Submit only one application per household, regardless if you have more than one student, or multiple students enrolled in more than one school.
5. All household income MUST BE REPORTED!
For further information regarding how tuition assistance awards are calculated, please refer to FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment Formula.
For more information or questions, please refer to the FACTS Management website.
Why do I have to provide this personal and confidential information?
FACTS management's financial aid assessment must verify your family's expenses and household income to assist Montessori School of Louisville in making an informed decision about the amount of tuition assistance to awarded your family.
How can I check the status of my application?
Once you have completed the on-line application, you will be able to go on to to check the status of your application. Award notifications will be emailed by March 1. Application deadlines are set by Montessori School of Louisville, who awards the assistance.
If you are applying after the set deadline, please contact MSL to ensure that your application will be accepted.
Customer Care Representatives are available at 866.441.4647
Monday - Thursday from 7:30 AM to 7:00 PM and Fridays 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM Central Time.
They can also be reached at, by fax at 866.315.9264 or by mail at P.O. Box 82524, Lincoln, NE 68501-2524
IMPORTANT: Please allow 2 weeks for your application and supporting tax documents to be processed before contacting FACTS Management.
Student Records Request
Please email Rachel Flavell
Montessori School of Louisville
Montessori School of Louisville